Belgium-based consultancy nexxworks contracted MusicDish to host European delegations of executives from Fortune 400 companies such as Ernst & Young, Comcast NBC Universal, ING, Walmart and IBS Capital Management to introduce them to China's cultural innovative trends.

In 2018, we hosted our first delegation with an on-site visit to the offices of HiFive, a music company focusing on IP/copyright management and music data service that leverages technology to help creators around the world publish their works to the world’s biggest platforms and collect royalties. Both MusicDish and HiFive gave separate presentations with Q&A.

In 2019, MusicDish continued its successful relationship with nexxworks, this time arranging a visit to independent, not-for-profit art museum M WOODS museum founded in 2014 by collectors Lin Han and Wanwan Lei, and co-founded by Michael Xufu Huang, which has been at the cutting edge of redefining the relationship between contemporary art and young Chinese audiences. In addition to talks given by MusicDish and M Woods, the 30-odd delegates were given a private tour of the museum and performance by Beijing avant-guard experimental duo ByeBye Fish.